to almost everybody, and which plays a decisive role in the devel-
opment of individuals, as well as in the fight against exclusion.
MT offers major support to SME-SMI and larger companies,
where efficient and cost-effective telecommunications are a
crucial element of competitiveness in the global economic envi-
ronment. MT has backed the development of call centres and
off-shoring projects through upgrading and enhancing the reli-
ability of international networks. To support this development,
and given the crucial significance of the price of International
leased lines for their competitiveness, MT regularly reduces the
rates of International leased lines to foster Morocco’s attrac-
tiveness as a host country for call centres.
To meet the growing needs of international business relations,
Maroc Telecom continuously enhances the capacity of its
network. Its strong connectivity relies on two international
transit centres, three submarine fibre optics cables and three
satellite links. Moreover, MT has signed roaming agreements
with 324 operators.
Aware of the essential role of the Internet in the development
of the information society, Maroc Telecom has been a pioneer
in introducing new technologies like GPRS, ADSL and the Wi-
Fi ADSL in Morocco.
To allow the widest possible use of the Internet and participate
in reducing the digital divide in Morocco, MT has undertaken a
multi pronged action. This consists of significant and regular
reductions in price, especially the ADSL, promotions to reduce
the acquisition cost of computer hardware and security packs to
enable parents to monitor the content viewed by their children.
Access to ADSL has more than doubled between December 2004
and June 2005, and has reached 135 000 to date. This means
that Morocco needs to strengthen its international band with
capacity to 9 gigabytes before the end of 2005.
As access to knowledge is essential for young children and
teenagers, Maroc Telecom grants preferential rates to schools
and high schools. Also universities benefit from rates that are
below public tariffs to access the high debit network MARWAN.
This enables them to have quick access to information and
exchange knowledge and experience with the rest of the digital
world. On the other hand, MT contributes to the success of
projects designed by the government as part of a national cyber
strategy and efforts to measure ICT indicators.
Maroc Telecom is also involved in developing content
through, among other things, the Menara Portal, which is
managed by its affiliate Casanet. Menara, the first bilingual
(French-Arabic) Portal ever, has become the first African Portal
with 27 million pages and more than 2 million Internet users
every month. Today, the operator is examining the possibility
of launching a “triple Pay” offer comprising unlimited phone,
ADSL and an array of channels based on ADSL.
Thanks to such action, at least 3.7 million Moroccan
Internet users now surf the Web, according to a recent survey
published by The National Authority of Telecommunications
MT follows and actively contributes to regional and interna-
tional initiatives involving the development of ICT, especially as
part of the various activities of ITU of which it is a sector
member. MT fully subscribes to the objectives of reducing the
digital divide and is utterly convinced of the crucial role of the
development of the Information Society in social and economic
] 175
3 663
4 597
5 214
6 361
7 441
Maroc Telecom mobile customers (000's)
Mobile penetration rate
Maroc Telecom mobile customers (000’s) and mobile penetration
rate in Morocco
A multi-media terminal in a public park. Note the futuristic design
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Maroc Telecom mobile
3 663 4 597 5 214 6 361 7 441
customers (000’s)
Mobile penetration rate
16.30% 20.90% 24.90% 31.20% 35.90%
Photo: Sijelmassi