Article 2 – Diversity of information content
Social and cultural diversity is an asset common to mankind, and
it is necessary to respect unique cultures, traditions and languages
in content distributed on the network.
By ensuring the most mutually interoperable access method as
possible, independent of media, format or devices, it is vital to
consider all people including users in the old-fashioned or low
speed connection environments when promoting creative activ-
ities in wide-ranging content.
It is also vital to promote an environment in which it is possi-
ble to store and freely use superior software in terms of
convenience in both high quality and high volume.
Governments and regional administrative institutions, working
towards the realization of the ubiquitous network society in regard
to the information they own, should take the lead in publicizing
and raising transparency of such information.
Article 3 – Information in the economic society
It is vital to bring out as much as possible, the possibilities of ICT
and through the promotion of its use in a wide range of areas,
and plan for increased efficiency of existing systems and create
new companies and services.
We should promote a wide range of information in economic
and social activities in harmony with the establishment and use
of ICT foundations. In addition, we should establish a sound,
ordered environment in which it will be possible to conduct e-
commerce trades with as much freedom as actual trades.
It is important to promote information in public fields, such as
administrative services, education, medicine and law and comple-
ment this by using information by private enterprise as a tow.
As a foundation for realizing the ubiquitous network society, we
should place attention on the convenience of the users and
through interconnection with different networks and devices,
establish an easy-to-use environment.
Article 4 – Ability to use information
In order for all people to be able to receive the benefits brought
about by ICT, it is necessary to secure opportunities to improve
the ability to efficiently use and to effectively take and select ICT
information, so that the required technical skills, knowledge and
manners can be learned.
It is necessary to strive to nurture experts in the fields related
to the ICT fields and improve and promote the knowledge, skill
and quality to develop the ubiquitous network society.
In order to encourage everyone including the elderly and the
handicapped to participate in society in a lively way, we should
strive to secure information accessibility for developing and
providing devices and services, and receive the required support
for responding to all individual needs. Furthermore, we should
strive to improve safe and ideal operability in order for devices
and services to be used easily without requiring advanced knowl-
edge and operation with regard to ICT.
In regard to the transmission of information to general users,
we should strive to avoid using difficult to understand specialist
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Photo: Sanjay Acharya/ITU