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2. Deepen knowledge and understanding of critical areas of

support for the definition, implementation and evaluation of poli-

cies by, for example:

• Creating a regional working group to elaborate proposals on

options and strategies for the development of digital televi-

sion (goal seven)

• Establishing a regional working group to exchange experi-

ences and criteria used for the development and use of free

software (goal eight)

• Promoting regional dialogues, exchanges and cooperation on

national experiences in Internet governance (goal 14)

• Establishing a working group that assesses national and

regional financing requirements (goal 23).

3. Create, sponsor and reinforce concrete regional initiatives and

projects by, for example:

• Promoting the development of regional ICT infrastructure,

including broadband capacity through backbones (goal one)

• Developing and expanding advanced ICT-based networks for

research and education (goal ten)

• Linking national educational portals with a view to estab-

lishing a network of educational portals (goal 16)

• Strengthening the interconnection of digital information

networks for disaster prevention (goal 18)

• Supporting and fostering, with technical cooperation

programmes, institution-building and methodological

strengthening and the development of ICT access and usage

indicators (goal 26).

eLAC and the World Summit: parallel processes and a

concrete contribution from the region

eLAC2007 was elaborated at a time when the countries of the

region were preparing for the second phase of the World Summit

on the Information Society, scheduled to be held in Tunis in

November 2005. Through eLAC2007, the countries of Latin

America and the Caribbean have succeeded in combining a polit-

ical consensus with an operational agreement for the regional

development of digital public policies. In formulating realistic,

measurable and flexible goals under eLAC2007, the countries

seek to coordinate their public policies and to promote regional

practices and forms of cooperation in order to improve the

quality and effectiveness of their contributions to the process of

the World Summit on the Information Society. In this regard,

the structure of eLAC2007 has developed in the spirit of the

World Summit; this Plan of Action reinforces the implementation

of the Geneva consensus and focuses on short-term goals geared

towards tangible results without losing sight of the ambitious,

long-term vision.

Against this background, the purpose of eLAC2007 is to act as

a link between the goals of the global community and the needs

of the countries of the region, in accordance with the situation

existing in each of them.

One step at a time towards 2015

The idea behind eLAC2007 is to be able to demonstrate the

positive impact that international cooperation has had in a rela-

tively short space of time with a view to ensuring that interest

in this crucial issue for the development of the region does not

peter out once the visibility of the World Summit fades after its

second phase. In order to show results, the countries of the

region formulated concrete, measurable goals. The most impor-

tant objective of eLAC2007 is to strengthen the creation of

strategic partnerships between institutions that are convinced

that coordinated action can achieve successes that individual

action cannot attain, without the need to sacrifice particular


In this context, ECLAC, in cooperation with other agencies and

international, regional and sub-regional organizations, supports

governments and actively promotes coordination and collabora-

tion. The objective is to create effective cooperation scales and

models that contribute in a positive way to the global agenda.

The road to the fulfilment of the global goals in 2015 is long and

the challenges formidable. In order to fulfil its commitments, the

region is seeking to foster a solid base that will facilitate future

agreements and multi-year programmes, based on regional coop-

eration that will grow from strength to strength, thus approaching

the global goals one step at a time.

Goals eLAC2007

Goals of the World Summit

on the Information Society

A. Access and digital inclusion

1. Regional infrastructure

9 a, 9 d, 9 k, 9 j,

2. Community centres

6 a, 6 d, 23 d, 10 d

3. Online schools and libraries

6 b, 23 b

4. Online health centres

6 e, 9 c, 18

5. Employment

19 b, c

6. Local government

6 f, 10 f,

7. Alternative technologies

6 h, 6 j, 9 l, 13 a, 13 p,

B. Capacity-building and knowledge creation

8. Software

10 e, 10 j, 13 p,

9. Training

11 a, 11 c, 11 e, 11 g,

10. Research and education networks

6 b, 6 c, 22 a,

11. Science and technology

19 d, 22

12. Firms

13 m, 16 c

13. Creative and content industries

23 g,

14. Internet governance

13 b, 13 c,

C. Public transparency and efficiency

15. Electronic government

13 n, 13 g, 15 a, 15 b, 15 c,

16. Electronic education

11 l, 11 n, 11 f,

17. Electronic health

18 b, 18 c

18. Disasters

20 c, 18 f

19. Electronic justice

20. Environmental protection

20 a, b,

21. Public inform. and cultural heritage 10 a, 10 b, 10 h, 13 h, 23 c,

D. Policy instruments

22. National strategies

8 a, b, 8 c, 8 d, 8 e, 26 b

23. Financing

26 a, 27 a, 27 b, 27 c, 27 d

24. Universal access policies

9 b, 10 d, 27 d, 27 g

25. Legislative framework

12 a, 12 b, 12 c, 12 d, 12 e,

12 f, 12 g, 12 i, 12 j, 13 i, 13 j,

24 c, 25 c

26. Indicators and measurement

28 b, 28 c, 28 f,

E. Enabling environment

27. Regional follow-up

28 a, c, 29 b

28. Solidarity with disfavoured countries 7, 9i, 27D2b

29. Minimizing obstacles

27 D2c

30. Radioelectric spectrum

9 d i, 13 r

Correspondence between the regional goals of eLAC2007 and the

WSIS Plan of Action