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an array of values. Some international investors have also indicated
a strong interest in seeing REDD+ activities that deliver biodiver-
sity conservation benefits.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is taking
the lead for the work on multiple benefits within the UN-REDD
Programme. The aim is to provide assistance with the realization
of these benefits from forests in REDD+ strategies and actions.
As countries design their REDD+ strategies, UNEP supports them
to reach optimal outcomes with respect to the mix of the differ-
ent types of benefits they can realize from REDD+. This includes
working with partners and REDD+ countries to develop tools and
guidance to enhance the multiple benefits of REDD+
and reduce risks from inadequate planning and
implementation. These tools include a set of Social
and Environmental Principles and Criteria, which
countries can use in the development of their REDD+
Planning for success
The multiple benefits provided by a national REDD+
programme, and its success in avoiding social and
environmental risks, will depend upon the REDD+
Carbon in biomass and soil overlaid with key biodiversity areas in Tanzania
Source: Prepared by UNEP-WCMC and Forest and Beekeeping Division Tanzania. (See Miles et al. 2009)