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It is important to note that the Algerian State does not have any

financial contribution in this operation, which is covered exclu-

sively by the PPP. The PC suppliers propose four configurations

of PCs, two desktop versions and two portable versions. They

offer a three-year guarantee for the desktop version and a two-

year guarantee for the portable version.

The software publishers offer the guarantee of functionality for

the operating and office software, and will update the software

while it remains under guarantee. Processor manufacturers will

also take care to maintain well-functioning processors during the

period of guarantee. The postal and telecommunication opera-

tors convey the advertisement flyers free of charge.

The banks grant loans with very advantageous financial condi-

tions, and these can be repaid over 12, 24 or 36 month periods.

Applications for credit will wait no longer than eight days from

the date of depositing the application for it to be processed. Once

the request is accepted, the citizen can immediately take his or

her PC. The insurance companies apply reduced insurance rates

to banks concerned with this operation.

The stakeholders signed an Outline Agreement during a cere-

mony chaired by the Minister of Post and ICTs on 18 July 2005.

Operation OUSRATIC consists of putting on the market five

million PCs between the end of 2005 and 2010, which makes a

total of one million PCs per year. The new market created by this

project will have a value of more than USD4 billion. Each family

will be able to buy a PC thanks to the conditions put in place. Nine

million schoolboys, high-school pupils and students will take part

in shaping the success of this operation and the good use of PCs.

Implementation of operation OUSRATIC

Operation OUSRATIC will be launched in October 2005. All the

provisions have been made for its success. A follow-up committee,

comprising representatives of the families of the stakeholders, has

been created and put in place. It will take care of the good imple-

mentation of the operation, from its launch until 2010. The

committee is mandated to examine and approve the requests made

by new stakeholders. It will modify, where necessary, the config-

urations of PCs in relation to technological progress. A report on

the evolution of the operation will be produced each month, and

actions will be taken according to the results obtained.

Operation OUSRATIC will be a catalyst for capacity building in

the manufacture of ICT and content. Indeed, the telecommuni-

cation operators will have to offer access to the information

infrastructures in terms of capacity and affordable cost. A major

effort will be made to achieve the objectives of connectivity.

It is important to specify that the ICT sector profits from state

aid, which amounts to around USD1 billion thanks to the five-

year support plan for growth (2005-2009), which mobilized

national resources of USD55 billion for the whole sector. In addi-

tion, more than USD3 billion in foreign direct investment has

been accomplished in the ICT sector since 2001.

Several thousand jobs will be created thanks to operation

OUSRATIC. Skills related to ICT will be developed, and the focus

will be laid on the development of software and electronic appli-

cations in order to meet the needs of society.

The activity of the Sidi Abdallah Cyberparc (30 kilometres west

of Algiers) in particular, with its incubator TECHNOBRIDGE, will

reinforce the output of the ICT, the training of ICT-related skills,

and research and development for software and applications. In

addition, specialized higher education establishments will convey

their knowledge in the development of open software and infor-

matics applications.

Public institutions such as libraries and museums are prepar-

ing right now make their stores of information available online

for the ‘linked’ families of the future. It will be the same for insti-

tutions in the sectors of justice, health, urbanism and housing.

Regional cooperation

Operation OUSRATIC will enable Algeria to gain experience that

it can then use to the benefit of developing countries, making

possible a framework of cooperation between them. This coop-

eration will address the organization put in place as well as the

manufacture and sale of sets of PCs with broadband (ADSL)

Internet access.

In fact, the PC providers will reach their optimal production

from the first year of implementation of this operation, and will

have sufficient quantities available for export to countries that

make an application under advantageous conditions.

Regional cooperation will offer a framework of experience-

sharing and exchange of expert knowledge, thus supporting the

economic development of the region’s countries and easing the

burden of ‘brain-drain,’ from which Algeria and many other devel-

oping countries currently suffer.


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OUSRATIC, one PC per household, poster containing the signatures of

The Stakeholders, July 18, 2005