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established the
National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) on 1
October 2004. His Majesty the King of Thailand
appointed General Choochart Promphrasid as chairman of the
NTC, along with six commissioners: Mr Rianchai Reowilaisuk,
Professor Prasit Prapinmongkolkarn, Mr Suchat Suchavejapoom,
Professor Sethaporn Cusripituck, Associate Professor Sudharma
Yoonaidharma and Dr Artorn Chandavimol.
The NTC can now fully exercise its role as Thailand’s telecom-
munication regulator, pursuant to the provisions of the Act on
the Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the
Broadcasting and Telecommunication Services BE 2543 (2000)
and the Telecommunication Business Act BE 2544 (2001).
The NTC is the first independent state telecommunications
regulator. Its duties and responsibilities are to regulate all telecom-
munication services in the country through formulating a master-
plan on telecommunications activities, setting criteria and
categories for telecommunication services, permitting and regu-
lating the use of spectrum for telecommunication services, and
granting licences to operators.
At the outset, the NTC started mapping out its action plan,
which is aimed at regulating and promoting telecommunica-
tion services in the country on a free and fair basis. The action
plan focuses on creating transparency and non-discrimination
in telecommunication services, enhancing public participation,
balancing and making the best use of resources, building the
telecommunications infrastructure and promoting research and
development on telecommunications technology to support
the sustainable growth of the domestic telecommunications
Regulating telecommunications
in Thailand
The National Telecommunications Commission, Thailand
CENTRE: General Choochart PROMPHRASID STANDING ROW, FROM LEFT: Mr. Suchat SUCHAVEJAPOOM, Associate Professor Sudharma
YOONAIDHARMA, Mr. Rianchai REOWILAISUK, Professor Sethaporn CUSRIPITUCK, Dr. Artorn CHANDAVIMOL, Professor Prasit