There are numerous applications in the domains of healthcare,
education and lifelong learning, manufacturing, and other areas
where this technology shows great promise for improving produc-
tivity. Early results show an increase in productivity and a
reduction in cost and resources.
Case studies
The following four case studies highlight application areas where
AI technology is having a strong impact on industry and every-
day life.
Authorizing financial transactions
– Governments employ AI
systems to detect fraud and expedite financial transactions, with
daily transaction volumes in the billions. These systems first use
learning algorithms to construct profiles of customer usage
patterns, and then use the resulting profiles to detect unusual
patterns and take the appropriate.
Configuring hardware and software
– AI systems configure custom
computer, communications, and manufacturing systems, guar-
anteeing the purchaser maximum efficiency and minimum setup
time, while providing the seller with superhuman expertise in
tracking the rapid technological evolution of system components
and specifications. Systems currently deployed process billions
of dollars of orders annually.
Diagnosing and treating problems
– Systems that diagnose and
treat problems – whether illnesses in people or problems in hard-
ware and software – are now in widespread use. Diagnostic
systems based on AI technology are being built into photocopiers,
computer operating systems, and office automation tools to
reduce service calls. AI-based systems assist physicians in many
kinds of medical diagnosis, in prescribing treatments, and in
monitoring patient responses.
Scheduling for manufacturing
– The use of automatic scheduling
for manufacturing operations is exploding as manufacturers
realize that remaining competitive demands an ever more effi-
cient use of resources. This AI technology has shown itself
superior to less adaptable systems based on older technology.
This same technology has proven highly effective in other
commercial tasks, including job shop scheduling, and assigning
airport gates and railway crews.
Artificial intelligence in Tunisia
Nowadays, AI is taught in most Higher Education Institutes and
Universities in Tunisia. Renowned professors are conducting valu-
able researches in different domains in AI applications such as
education, industry, business, medicine and services.
Within the LIA, ENSI, Tunis University, a laboratory of AI
headed by me personally, we published about one hundred arti-
cles, papers and conferences in international scientific journals
and reviews. We can also notice that more and more students are
interested in AI as a subject for their Masters and PhD theses.
Besides, many international conferences and workshops relating
to AI have been held in Tunisia.
Scientific research could not have reached this stage of devel-
opment and depth without the full support of the Government
which doubled its budget, reaching 1.5 per cent and created many
scientific research centres connected to specialized international
The way forward
AI began as an attempt to answer some of the most fundamen-
tal questions about human existence by understanding the nature
of intelligence, but it has grown into a scientific and technologi-
cal field affecting many aspects of commerce and society.
AI researchers remain focused on the big challenges of automat-
ing intelligence. Work is progressing on developing systems that
converse in natural language, that perceive and respond to their
surroundings, and that encode and provide useful access to all of
human knowledge and expertise. The pursuit of the ultimate goals
of AI continues to have practical consequences in the form of
new industries, enhanced functionality for existing systems,
increased productivity in general, and improvements in the
quality of life.
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Investment in ICTs is at the heart of the Tunisian education system