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receiving and analyzing feedback (Info 3 from science workers

and Info 4 from Internet users). Meanwhile, as a social force

concerned about the function of science to society, the public

should have a chance to participate in science and understand

its influence, power and function. It is necessary to promote

communication between scientists and the public, and to empha-

size the social responsibility of scientists in scientific research.

Therefore, VSMC also serves as a platform on which a virtual

society of science is built among science workers, science popu-

larization workers and Internet users.

The uses of ICT in promoting a public appreciation of science

Science workers serve as the information source for science popu-

larization. As a CAS-sponsored project, VSMC takes the

responsibility to promote the sharing of research equipment and

achievements. In traditional animal observation, human inter-

ference influences the behaviour of giant pandas. The application

of a web-camera gives the scientists convenience as well as more

authentic data. VSMC introduced this advanced research method,

where Internet users could control a remote camera using a

computer and the Internet, make real-time observations of panda

cubs, publish an observation diary and take videos. Now, VSMC

has a regular live broadcast on national science events and lectures

by famous scientists, sends free digital magazines to subscribers

with science topics of general interest, and updates “Look into

Science” every week with the latest science content relevant to

people’s everyday lives.

ICT helps to make science easier to understand, more enjoyable

to receive and fun to play with. VSMC encourages playful learning

through interactive contents like multimedia, flash explaining scien-

tific experiments and procedures, virtual reality technology showing

the local environment, and science games such as the Giant Panda

Contest, Net a piece of Chinese Ceramics, and Build a Space

Shuttle. In 2003, when SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

suddenly prevailed, VSMC immediately designed a game to teach

people about SARS and ways to prevent it.

Science could serve the society better if individuals had the

opportunity to participate in it and understand its influence,

power and function in their lives. VSMC encourages Internet users

to share their own data. In VSMC, the audience could write

suggestions, submit observation diaries, publish science journals

and papers, discuss opinions about science and science events,

and ask questions to the scientists. The online Science Forum,

involving scientists and researchers, helps build a bridge between

the science community and the public.

Every citizen should benefit from the development of the

Internet society. VSMC produces and transfers free information to

Internet users, with special attention to the youth, children and

citizens of low socio-economic status. VSMC designs online

curriculums for elementary and middle school students based on

virtual museums, and encourages playful learning through inter-

active content like multimedia. In order to reach people in poor

and remote areas, VSMC donates CDs containing science content,

and has set up mirror sites in Western China. From September

2004, virtual museums like Ancient Science and Technology and

Wild Animals are included in the Children and Early Youth Culture

of National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project, cover-

ing all provinces and most cities in China and providing free service

for approximately 50,000 rural elementary and middle schools

through the National Rural School Remote Education Project.

The Internet makes a smaller world, and promotes dialogue

between different cultures and civilizations. As China’s leading

power of Internet-based science popularization, VSMC builds

international partnerships with universities and organizations

like Texas A&M University and Sesame Workshop. Twelve

museums in the English language, like the Giant Panda Museum,

Chinese Nationalities, Chinese Ceramics and Xishuangbanna

Tropical Botanical Garden, help people from different cultures

to get a better understanding of the natural resources and cultural

heritage of China.

A bridge for communication

With the spread of the Internet and people’s increasing trust in it,

the Internet has begun to serve as an important media for science

popularization. Most Internet users and non-Internet-users choose

to believe the information on the Internet. The proportion of non-

Internet-users who choose to believe the information on the

Internet is even higher than that of the Internet users. The atti-

tude of non-Internet-users towards the Internet shows the great

potential of Internet-based science popularization.

In science popularization, different measures should be taken

to communicate the knowledge, method, procedures and social

responsibilities of science. Compared with traditional methods

of popularizing science, the emphasis in science popularization

today is more on the Internet, television, newspapers and other

mass media. The purpose of science popularization is to promote

the public understanding of science, and to give people more

decisive power on their own future. Science will serve society

better when more common people can understand, appreciate

and raise questions about it.

In the procedure of science popularization, ICT brings the

possibility of building a bridge for equal communication and

mutual understanding between the science community and the

public, by means of live broadcasts of big science events, chat

rooms, science forums and BBS, video conferencing between

science workers and the public, online lectures by scientists, and

so on.

In the community of Internet-based science popularization,

professional science popularization workers are the core force

and science workers are indispensable.

It is necessary to build a professional team armed with basic

scientific concepts, theories of science communication studies,

information technology and experience of science popularization,

which are the key drivers of Internet-based science populariza-

tion. These will encourage other participant forces and promote

the efficiency of the whole.


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Screenshot of VSMC, English Edition